I'd like to thank all of the people who read the blog especially those who read it regularly and those who took the effort to post comments; the vast majority of which were interesting and thought provoking.
Special thanks obviously go to BrewDog and BeerMerchants for the sponsorship. Their adverts will remain because they are companies I believe in who are doing the right things in the beer World.
If you are a fellow blogger and I like your blog, I will continue to read it and will attempt to comment more regularly.
Good luck
Thanks Mark, for all your time, effort and importantly passion for this beverage and all that surrounds it!
You'll be missed.
Poor li'l guy. And only two years old. *sniff*
Still, Twitter's much less maintenance. See you there.
I once felt similarly, and now there is so much content on my blog that it surprises me. Just take your time and don't feel pressured.
Figure out a way to use other sources for content when you're unmotivated. Refer people to other articles or program, or magazines of interest.
You'll find that you are motivated at some point down the road.
The novelty can wear off and "real life" often gets in the way. The likes of Twitter may be the future, anyway.
Thanks for the read.
What Tyson said apart from the Twitter bit obviously.
Like Clouseau, I know what you mean. It isn't always a lot of fun this game and in the summer particularly I find it hard to be motivated too. Maybe come back in the winter when you've had a rest?
Thanks for the blog.
It was uniformly informative and entertaining.
Thanks for your efforts - you will be missed!
awww, now who's gonna take the piss out of me? Hold on, an orderly queue of thousands seems to be forming...
Don't know if I ever told you, but your blog is the reason I started blogging; some great positive comments, some great gen, none of the endless moaning and bitching that infects other blogs.
Take the summer off and never say never.
I've only recently discovered you but I've enjoyed reading you enough to add to my links.
Oh well, I suppose there's no shortage of beer bloggers...
Life and the summer most certainly do get in the way. Perhaps you'll have a change of heart come the winter.
Sorry to read that you are calling it a day. I have always checked you out on a regular basis and enjoyed your informed and well penned articles. Surely some inspirational new beers will prompt you to revert to enthusiastic and passionate postings too lengthy to twitter?
yeah, i'll miss you musings.
Sorry to hear you're jacking it in. If you get your mojo back and decide to restart anytime, let us know!
Sorry to hear it. Good luck to you. I hope to "see" you elsewhere in the beerosphere.
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