Flying Dog Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale

Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber
Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA
Great Divide Titan IPA
Left Hand JuJu Ginger
Goose Island Summertime
Apparently beers will follow later in the year from Terrapin and Victory Breweries.
This is excellent news for all of us whether we seek new
beers or not as these are all interesting highly rated beers. I hope to be able to get my hands on bottles of all of them.
I tried Goose Island Summertime last week and found it pretty boring. It claims to be Koelsch-like, but didn't really seem it to me.
No I think the American breweries do a lot of what they call Kolsch but they are not very much like you would experience in Cologne
Outstanding! Just been to the BoE website to buy myself a box chock full of US goodies!! Good gen, Mark!
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